appraisal fee refund

Do I still need pay for the appraisal fee even if my loan.
You should have told her upfront you were talking about a trailer. This is a serious omission. I don't know any lenders who will touch one of those.
Dec 20, 2010. When inquiring for refinancing my mortgage, Loan Officer took upon himself to order appraisal of my house, although I did not sign any loan.
Apr 20, 2009. It's a risk you are taking and I've 'lost' my appraisal fee before too. ... his W-2 income we had no reason to ask him for his tax returns ourselves.
Mar 3, 2010. Usually appraisal fees are non-refundable if the service has been. was ordered and completed we could not refund the appraisal fee.
Financing: I paid a mortgage broker a 300.00 appraisal fee up front.
Appraisal Fee Refund - Mortgage.
Should they refund my appraisal fee? - Yahoo! Answers.
Foreclosure: Can an appraisal fee ever be refunded? - Trulia Voices.
appraisal fee refund
"Right to cancel" mortgage refinance - FatWallet.Rescission: Refund appraisal fee - Bankers Online.
RPM Mortgage. Appraisal Fee will be Refunded at Close of Loan. Your appraisal fee will be reimbursed at the successful closing of your purchase or refinance.
Aug 2, 2010. but needless to say my $440 appraisal fee is gone and I have nothing to show for it. Can I get my money back in any way -- perhaps through.
Who pays the appraisal fee when one rescinds a loan? - Zillow.
Jul 5, 2010. my FHA appraisal fee is $495, it a f the loan amount or the sale amount or is it. No appraisal then a refund of the $495.00.
The borrower is demanding his appraisal fee back because I did not come. $225,000 or if I refuse to change the appraisal I refund his money.
If you do not pay for the appraisal fee, most likely the mortgage broker. prior to actual appraisal, the request for a refund of the appraisal fee is.
#342426 - 04/04/05 03:10 PM Rescission: Refund appraisal fee. Anonymous Unregistered. I know upon rescission, the intention is to place the applicant back.
appraisal fee refund
Home Buying: Refund on appraisal fee - Trulia Voices.